If you can, please support Artist Open Calls on PATREON. I have a MailChimp mailing list growing faster than I can afford. Patron tier memberships start at £1 per month. Help me keep this artist resource free for those who can't afford it.
When I reach my first Patreon goal of covering my costs, Paying myself and another researcher a part-time wage, I will expand into other artist resources like professional development workshops for Patrons.
Workshop: XXX – org name Info: X Location: X Date: X Time: X Cost: X
-Open Studios
Open Studios: XXX – org name Info: X Location: X Preview: X Dates: X Time: X
We'll send you the good stuff! Artist residencies, open calls, arts jobs and funding opportunities. Add Contact@ArtistOpenCalls.Art to your address book so the newsletters don't go into your junk folder.